
The forum aims to provide information on topics raised by the users.

The forum can be viewed without registration, the comments are open to anyone. However, to make a comment registration is needed. Registration if free of charge, as all the other services of the portal.

The editors of the KOPI portal kindly ask the users to restrain from unlawful behaviour and follow the guidelines of netiquette when communicating.

Registration data provided by the users is treated confidential, see data handling initiatives. Also, please note that the comments appearing in the forum do not reflect the opinion, attitude of the editors. From the above reasons the editors do not take any responsibility for the content of the comments

Usage of the forum

Users may view the list of forums - the topics raised by the users or the portal earlier - by clicking on the "Forum" from the menu on the left.

Users may gain the following information regarding the topics raised: the name of the person raising the topic, the date and time of the last message sent and the number of messages on the topic.

List of forums

Naming of the topic of the forum
Give a keyword to restrict the list of forums, then press "Filter".
Created by
The identification code of the creator of the forum
The number of messages on the forum.
Last message
Date of the last message sent

Fórum oldalon

Sort by
Topics arised can be sorted as follows:
  • based on the thread of the chat
  • in reversed time order
  • in time order
based on the thread of the chat
Based on the thread of the chat means that the answers given to a question and the replies to the answers can be viewed in order of receipt.
Time order
Time order means that messages appear in order of date.
Reverse time
Reversed time order BONTÁS
When Reversed time order BONTÁS the last message reveived appears first.
back to topics
Clicking on "Vissza a témákhoz" the user gets back to the opening page of the forum, where all the messages received can be viewed and read. Also, the user may add comments or open new topics here.

New message

The title of the comment.
posted by
the identification number of the user posting the comment. In case of posting, your identification number
Üzenet mező
Content of the message.

create new forum

The user may open a new forum with clicking on "Új fórum létrehozása" After clicking on the button the user may start a new topic by clicking on "Téma" then in the field of "Leírás" a detailed description on the topic can be given.
By clicking on "Létrehoz" the topic just opened will appear among the other topics with the name of the creator, date of creation and the number of messages posted on the topic

Name the topic of the new forum
Detailed description of the forum
after filling in the fields, click on the 'Create' button.